Boss Babe Q&A: Rachael

We asked our Head Babes in Charge a few questions like how they would describe their style, what are their favorite style choices, what Eccentric Roze Clothing means to them and where they wish to see E. R. C. go, and here is what they had to say:

Rachael: My personal style has evolved, since deciding to wear what I like and ignore those “fashion faux pas” I love patterns, prints, sparkle, colors,...can we say animal print❤️! Mixed media pieces are some of my favorite and as of last year I began wearing African wax print designs. I prefer to take casual pieces and sprinkle it with a little wow!

Eccentric Roze Clothing is the product of a dream deferred. I couldn’t let the concept linger somewhere between hopes and dreams anymore. The company and website is my way to stay creative and fashion savvy. Indulging in fast fashion by helping others create the perfect look, keeps my world interesting.

ERC is taking off before the official launch and the opportunities are surreal. I won’t attempt to define what I wish for the company, because the possibilities are limitless. My main goal is to progress as a small business owner, while growing the ERC brand. All the way up is where we are headed🚀😉.


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